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The Story
How did we start?
Almost 20 years ago three young Peace Corps volunteers stepped into different rural communities of Central Honduras. After 2 years of planting vegetables, watching the sun go down on the soccer field, and bottomless cups of coffee, Hondurans found thier place in our hearts. We were amazed by the extraordinary kindness and generosity of our new friends, and sat down with a pizza and beer to map out a sustainable way to give back.
What do we do?
While primary education is commonplace, and many students make the sacrafice to continue thier education at the high school level, rural students simply don't have the resources or support to go to college. Thats were we jump in! We provide financial support to students and invite them into leadership roles in the scholar group.
How does it happen?
The Central Honduras Education Fund is an intentionally small charitable organization that makes a big impact on the lives of young people. We think its imporant to know each scholar personally and check in regularly to see how they are doing. In addition, we don't think we should make all the decisions. On the contrary, we faciliate and support scholars to work through challenges themselves, make strategic decisions for the foundation, and be self determined change makers.
Why we do it?
Imagine standing in a packed auditorium in Tegucigalpa next to a mother with tears in her eyes. She is watching her daughter become the first person to graduate from college in the history of her town. Not to mention she was one of the first women to complete high school. Or how about the text message with photos of the scholar group delivering bags of food to families that were facing food insecurity due to lost loved ones during the pandemic. There are countless extraordinary human beings in Honduras, and we think they deserve an opportunity to reach thier full potential.